
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Testing - Competitive Dance Team : Vikettes Audition

Last Friday was the audition for the Vikettes and everyone who tried out, had to meet up in the wrestling gym. My friend Remi and I were practicing for almost in hour and reviewing technique and the routine. Once we went downstairs to the hallway outside the dance studio, I was so nervous. I walked in confident and brave and was trying my best to act professional. The judges wanted us to demonstrate turns, leaps, toe-touches, and the routine twice. I decided that I should take the risk and do founttes ( an advanced turn ) for my own 8-count choreography at the end of the routine. The next few days were very stressful thinking about the results and wondering if I made the team.

 On Monday night, I was just getting back from ccd and about to get ready for bed and finish up homework. But, suddenly my mom walked in my room and said she wanted me to hear a certain voice message. I said "what is this about ?". My mom said to just listen and my dad was suddenly there by my door and I finally realized that maybe it's about the dance team. We finally got to the voice message, and I was listening very closely. It said the word "Niles North, Congrats, and Varsity!", the three words that I was dreaming of hearing. A big bright smile rose upon my face, I couldn't believe that I made VARSITY because varsity is usually for the older grades and returning members but they said I made VARSITY which meant that they saw potential in me and knew I was a great dancer. The fact that I got on VARSITY and i'm not even in high school meant that I will be one of the youngest dancers on the team. 

This was one point in my life that I felt like I was getting closer to my dream because I'm trying to become an amazing dancer and getting on the Varsity Competitive Dance Team The Vikettes is a huge accomplishment and it tells me that I am super talented and have a chance to make my dream come true. 

It also gave me a new connection to my mom because she did the exact same thing in high school. She joined a dance team ( pom pom girls ) like the Vikettes, she got in and made the team. I wanted to follow in my mom's footsteps and I did. 

This is a dream come true !